
A few questions to ask upon a bug fix

Posted by Albert Gareev on Mar 03, 2015 | Categories: 2. TestingHeuristics

Any bug is a problem statement, illustrated with an example provided.
Yet the example is just a symptom. Has the problem really been gone?

Let’s ask questions. Let’s make bug fixing a truly collaborative work between programmers and testers.

Is it code change or configuration change?

  • Code change – any fix, update, improvement, etc. in the code, including change of hard-coded data
  • Configuration change – any change of configuration data in files, database, registry, etc.

What Business Functions directly affected by this change?

  • Take notes of all Business Functions that use the affected code in the call stack.
  • If they use it conditionally, find out the conditions.
  • What Business Functions indirectly affected by this change?
  • Business Function is indirectly affected if the change is not part of the business logic, for example, it’s a change in internal log, and it’s failure won’t cause a defect in business workflow or results.
  • List all Business Functions that use the affected code in the call stack.
  • If they use it conditionally, specify the conditions.

Root Cause

  • What was the root cause?
  • Was this code known previously working (or been broken for a while)?

System Integrity

  • Does the fix apply to the all affected functionalities?
  • If not, which ones were fixed and which ones were not?
  • Are there similar code modules?
  • If yes, do they have same problem? If yes, was it fixed?
  • Does the change possibly affect performance, security, accessibility, or any other para-functional qualities of the system?


  • Was it tested by developer(s)? How?
  • If the developer(s) think that anything else in addition to affected functionalities needs to be tested, ask to kindly provide their suggestions.
  • And – are they aware of any cases untestable in the test environment or the build?

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This work by Albert Gareev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.