
Agile testing is what you make it to be

Posted by Albert Gareev on Feb 28, 2017
This post is a collage from my answers on Quora. What is Agile Testing? James Bach about testing in Agile environments What is agile testing Some people refer to “agile testing” as a very different kind. But there are like hundreds of flavors of agile teams. Some differ so much that the whole label of […] ...

Defusing a judgment? Yes, you CAN: Connect -> ...

Posted by Albert Gareev on Dec 21, 2016
I had a quick conversation with Michael Bolton on twitter today.. (accessible text alternative below) Michael Bolton: When someone says “testing is taking too long”, ask: Is it the *testing*? Or is it *fixing*? Or unnecessary stuff around the testing? Albert Gareev: Finding out what prompted that conclusion and what are the expectations also helps. […] ...

On Bullying and Language Lessons

Posted by Albert Gareev on May 26, 2016
Learning lessons from bullying and trolling Blogs, community sites, and Twitter opened wonderful opportunities to connect with people, to learn, to collaborate, and to express yourself. That last part may go wild though. For whatever the reason, bullies of all ages thrive online. Some are typical trolls, some behave like self-appointed judges. Some even have […] ...

Context-Driven Resume: Patterns and Anti-Patterns

Posted by Albert Gareev on Apr 27, 2016
Foreword Have you ever been wondering why your job application got no response? Among dozens of possible reasons did you guess that your resume was the cause of the rejection? Maybe, you didn’t. Maybe, you believed you did everything right, and your resume was a good match for the job description. And you were completely […] ...

Context-Driven Resume: Product and Users

Posted by Albert Gareev on Mar 16, 2016
Resume Is A Product You design it. You build it. You test it. You debug it. More importantly, you intend it to be used by others. Let’s think of a resume as a product. And let’s ask ourselves a few questions to learn further about the context. Who are my clients? Who are my users? […] ...

Heuristics On Give Away

Posted by Albert Gareev on Mar 07, 2016
“I don’t have birthdays, I level up.” If only it worked that way… No, no. In order to “level up” a skill we must spend time sweating it out. It’s also never a binary ladder. No. It’s actually very messy. Skill levels depend on the context, both external conditions and internal conditions of the bearer […] ...

Context-Driven Resume: Heuristics

Posted by Albert Gareev on Feb 16, 2016
Preface Since the beginning of Toronto Testing Meetup, I’ve often been asked for help in job search. I organized and streamlined it into a re-occurring project: Job Finding Club. I’ve done it both as a brief advisory and as dedicated events. Per my observations, the most common, as well as the most misunderstood and the […] ...

Putting Too Much Faith in Tools

Posted by Albert Gareev on Jan 26, 2016
This story was featured in my article published on StickyMinds – “The Politics of Accessibility Testing”, January, 2016. Preface Digital accessibility refers to software supported by users’ assistive technologies as well as accessibility within web browsers. This concept, that software should be usable by the widest possible audience, has been around for more than twenty […] ...

Understanding How To Do Accessibility Testing

Posted by Albert Gareev on Jan 18, 2016
This story was featured in my article published on StickyMinds – “The Politics of Accessibility Testing”, January, 2016. Preface Digital accessibility refers to software supported by users’ assistive technologies as well as accessibility within web browsers. This concept, that software should be usable by the widest possible audience, has been around for more than twenty […] ...

It’s Not Business Requirements, It’s the Law

Posted by Albert Gareev on Jan 14, 2016
This story was featured in my article published on StickyMinds – “The Politics of Accessibility Testing”, January, 2016. Preface Digital accessibility refers to software supported by users’ assistive technologies as well as accessibility within web browsers. This concept, that software should be usable by the widest possible audience, has been around for more than twenty […] ...

The Year Of Gerald Weinberg

Posted by Albert Gareev on Dec 21, 2015
I read all these 8 books this year! And I’ve just lied to you. This statement is not precisely true because I read one of the books before 2015. This year I re-read it. This statement is not precisely true because I read three of the books twice this year. This statement is not precisely […] ...

Shadow Work In Testing

Posted by Albert Gareev on Nov 04, 2015
This writing is a cross-reference to the post Manage Focus Of Your Attention with regards to the concept of Shadow Work. A quick reminder. In economics, shadow work refers to unpaid labor in the form of self service. Shadow work has one or few of the following attributes. Transferring part of the service from company to […] ...


Posted by Albert Gareev on May 24, 2013
Some good open interview questions for QA/Testers. What value did you bring to the project / organization as a tester? What is your vision for the role of testing? Do you know / follow any school of testing? What is the recent book / article about testing you read, and can you give a review […] ...

Testing and Hiring

Posted by Albert Gareev on Apr 25, 2011
A few more of my posts came out in “Hiring Testers” series in the Community Blog at Software Testing Club. In “How Come You Are Not Certified?” (the title was a joke, by the way, I do not agree that memorizing definitions out of context can make anybody a better professional – only hands-on experience matters!) […] ...

If you are hiring testers..

Posted by Albert Gareev on Apr 07, 2011
..Or if you are thinking of that, and especially if you are wondering why it’s so hard to find good ones – you definitely need to become a reader of “Hiring Testers” series in the Community Blog at Software Testing Club. People are always looking for a job. Each job advertisement receives dozens, maybe hundreds of […] ...

They want to hire good testers

Posted by Albert Gareev on May 12, 2010
Developers want to hire testers. Testers want to hire testers.  What common and what opposite would we find comparing their requirements?   Tester Side Requirements  Represented by Eric Jacobson’s blog  post “Who Is A Good Tester?”  (original grammar and syntax retained)     Developer Side Requirements  Represented by StackOverflow  discussion “Tips for hiring good testers?” (original grammar […] ...

QA Automation Skill Matrices (mature professionals)

Posted by Albert Gareev on May 29, 2009
Original date: 7 Feb 2009, 5:00pm This post continues the previous one. 3. Senior Automation Developer Capable to maintain and enhance Framework-based Automation Architecture. Capable to develop data-driven framework. Should have a solid understanding of Test Automation Requirements: Usability, Maintainability, Scalability, Robustness, and be able to identify current level of needs. Should be aware of Technical Setup, Requirements, Test ...

QA Automation Skill Matrices (reviewing your career or ...

Posted by Albert Gareev on May 28, 2009
Original date: 5 Feb 2009, 11:30am In my past job experience I used to be asked by hiring managers about helping them to identify a right skillset for the QA Automation specialty. The following is my notes on that. 1. Junior/Intermediate Level. Automation and/or QA training will be required – so there should be a mature […] ...
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This work by Albert Gareev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.