Testing Challenges
The testing challenge I organized and held on my blog on June 1-2, 2010.
Light’em Up!
The testing challenge held in Weekend Testing Americas session #5 on January 15th, 2011.
I suggested the idea and worked on the scenario under facilitation of Michael Larsen, one of founders of Americas Chapter in Weekend Testing.
Smart Enough?
The testing challenge held in Weekend Testing Americas session #7 on February 19th, 2011.
The idea of the mission was to start testing before testing starts, i.e. – exploring the context and questioning the mission.
Bugs In Your Pocket
The testing challenge held in Weekend Testing Americas session #9 on April 2, 2011.
Can you test if your interaction and observation are limited?
Looking for more? Check out testing-challenges.org web-site organized by Markus Gärtner.