
Testing Stories

An online journal of my journey in the world of software testing

All the content referenced below does not represent opinions of my past or current employers and/or clients.

All the conclusions and opinions expressed here are considered actual by the date of publication. They might be reviewed upon evolution of Information Technologies and Processes. All rights reserved. Please make sure you have read, understood, and agreed with Copyright and Content policy.


“They want to hire good testers”

Developers want to hire testers. Testers want to hire testers.
What common and what opposite would we find comparing their requirements? Find out here.

“Hiring Testers”

A few articles that I wrote for the Community Blog of Software Testing Club.

People are always looking for a job. Each job advertisement receives dozens, maybe hundreds of applications. Yet it doesn’t make work of finding good testers any easier. Want to know why? – Read about An Illusion Of Choice.

Actually, you may not get right people applying at all. That’s likely because Your Job Ads Are Not Tasty. – This article may give you some ideas how to make it better. And, hey, know that hiring managers are always ready to give Feedback For Recruiters.

Although testers must demonstrate their skills, too. They need to make sure that the resume is telling. Every job applicant has to realize – Somebody Is Going To Test Your Resume.

In “How Come You Are Not Certified?” (the title was a joke, by the way, I do not agree that memorizing definitions out of context can make anybody a better professional – only hands-on experience matters!) I show how easily those keyword-based “hiring techniques” can be gamed, – and what a truly hands-on certification would look like.

In “Testing and Recruitment Parallels” I look from the above at these two activities and draw obvious parallels – about communication, exploration, and learning.

“Bugs Go Hard Copy”

A two part story by a tester (me, actually) being in a customer role. Part 1. Part 2.

“Be Aware of Bounded Awareness”

An original article I published on Quick Testing Tips blog, and two follow up articles: Inattentional Blindness and Change Blindness.

Weekend Testing

Testing challenges, experience reports, freelance projects, new ideas, collaborative learning, and much, much more from the world-wide movement of weekend testing.

Experience Reports

WTA01: Testing is Learning

WTA03: Mission Impossible?

WTA05: Two-fold Mission + Bonus

WTA05: A Programmer’s Hat

WTA05: Test the Envisioned

WTA07: Questioning the Mission

WTA08: Messing With The Smart Guys

WTA09: What Is Testing?


Overviews and Ideas

Weekend Testing: Defocusing

Weekend Testing: Focusing

Weekend Testing: Modeling and Practicing

Weekend Testing: Mindmapping

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
This work by Albert Gareev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.