TestComplete – Handling Web Browser (2)
Parent page: GUI Recognition with TestComplete
Close all browser windows
In the example presented, Internet Explorer browser program (executable name) is hard-coded (as “iexplore”).
Closing begins from first instance number (i.e. a sequential number of the process in memory, if a few were loaded).
In first attempt, .Close method is used, which allows an application to finalize.
Second attempt uses .Terminate method. Any unsaved data will be lost.
Public Const syncTimeShort = 5 ' Public Function wbCloseAll() Dim IEProcess Dim PropNames, PropValues While True PropNames = Array("processname", "index") PropValues = Array("iexplore", 1) Set IEProcess = Sys.FindChild(PropNames, PropValues, 1, True) If Not IEProcess.Exists then Exit Function End if IEProcess.Close(syncTimeShort*1000) If IEProcess.Exists then IEProcess.Terminate End if WEnd End Function
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