
TestComplete – Find Child or Find Yourself?

Posted by Albert Gareev on Nov 10, 2010 | Categories: GUI RecognitionSource codeWeb

Parent page: GUI Recognition with TestComplete

TestComplete provides a whole set of run-time GUI recognition functionalities, based, however, on the same approach: recognition by property values and/or location of the object in internal hierarchy.

Today’s post is about Find method

We continue with example from the previous post.

What happened when the script clicked on the link? – Web page is reloaded; it’s a new object now.
Before we can operate it, we need to identify it first.

We can go down the hierarchy again starting from Sys or Process objects, but we may re-identify the page using Find method, as in the example below.

  Dim IEProcess, IExplore
  Dim PropNames, PropValues
  Dim Page
  Dim objLink

  'Close browser
  PropNames = Array("processname", "index")
  PropValues = Array("iexplore", 1)
  Set IEProcess = Sys.FindChild(PropNames, PropValues, 1, True)
  If IEProcess.Exists then
  End if 

  'Open browser and navigate to the web-site 
  Set IExplore = TestedApps.iexplore
  IExplore.Params.SimpleParams.CommandLineParameters = ""
  Call IExplore.Run(1, False, 5000) 

  'Find Web Page Object
  PropNames = Array("objecttype", "url")
  PropValues = Array("page", "")
  Set Page = Sys.Process("iexplore").FindChild(PropNames, PropValues, 1, True)
  If Not Page.Exists then
    Exit Sub
  End if

  'Find Web Link Object
  PropNames = Array("tagName", "namePropStr")
  PropValues = Array("A", "advanced_search*")
  Set objLink = Page.FindChild(PropNames, PropValues, 10, True)

  If Not objLink.Exists then
    Exit Sub
  End if

  PropNames = Array("objecttype", "url")
  PropValues = Array("page", "")
  Set Page = Page.Find(PropNames, PropValues, 1, True)
  If Not Page.Exists then
    Exit Sub
  End if

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This work by Albert Gareev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.