
ParametersToStr (QTP, TestComplete, VBScript)

Posted by Albert Gareev on Jan 03, 2009 | Categories: Associative ArraySource code

Parent page: Service Functions – Dictionary (QTP, TestComplete, VBScript)


Does exactly opposite what AssociateParameters does – converts a Dictionary back to the string of pairs. Special characters are treated.


Public Function ParametersToStr(ByRef objDictionary)
  Dim Iter, dvKeys
  Dim sParameter, sKey, sValue

  sParameter = ""
  dvKeys = objDictionary.Keys()

  For Iter = 0 To UBound(dvKeys)
  	    sKey = dvKeys(Iter)
		sValue = Replace(objDictionary.Item(sKey), ",", "\,")
		sValue = Replace(sValue, "=", "\=")
		sKey = Replace(sKey, ",", "\,")
		sKey = Replace(sKey, "=", "\=")
		sParameter = Add2List(sParameter, sKey & " = " & sValue, ", ")

  ParametersToStr = sParameter
End Function

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This work by Albert Gareev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.