
Math primitives 4 (WinRunner, TSL)

Posted by Albert Gareev on Apr 21, 2007 | Categories: MathSource code

Service Functions – Math / WinRunner

Add new column to a matrix

public function mx_add_col_value(inout mxTable[], in col_value) {
 auto rc, i;
 auto col_count, row_count;
 col_count = mxTable[0, "sys", "colCount"];   
 row_count = mxTable[0, "sys", "rowCount"];   

# create new col index
 for (i=1;i<=row_count;i++)
  mxTable[i,col_count] = col_value;
 mxTable[0, "sys", "colCount"] = col_count; 


Add new vector (column) to a matrix

public function mx_add_col_vector(inout mxTable[], inout mxVector[]) {
 auto rc, i;
 auto col_count, row_count;
 auto vrow_count;
 col_count = mxTable[0, "sys", "colCount"];   
 row_count = mxTable[0, "sys", "rowCount"];   

 vrow_count = mxVector[0];   

 if (vrow_count != row_count)

# create new col index
 for (i=1;i<=row_count;i++)
  mxTable[i,col_count] = mxVector[i];
 mxTable[0, "sys", "colCount"] = col_count; 


Retrieve vector (row or column) from a matrix

public function mx_get_vector(inout mxTable[], inout mxVector[], in direction, in number) {
 auto i;
 auto col_count, row_count;
 col_count = mxTable[0, "sys", "colCount"];   
 row_count = mxTable[0, "sys", "rowCount"];   

 delete mxVector[];
 direction = tolower(direction);
 if (direction != "row") direction = "col";
 if (direction == "row") {
  if (number > row_count) return(E_GENERAL_ERROR);
  for (i=1;i<=col_count;i++)
   mxVector[i] = mxTable[number, i];
  mxVector[0] = col_count;
 if (direction == "col") {
  if (number > col_count) return(E_GENERAL_ERROR);
  for (i=1;i<=row_count;i++)
   mxVector[i] = mxTable[i, number];
  mxVector[0] = row_count;


Retrieve subrange (matrix) from a matrix

public function mx_subrange(inout mxTable[], inout mxRange[], in start_row, in end_row) {
 auto rc, i, j, row_index;
 auto col_count, row_count;
 auto flFound;

 col_count = mxTable[0, "sys", "colCount"];   
 row_count = mxTable[0, "sys", "rowCount"];   

 if (start_row == "") start_row = 1;
 if (end_row == "") end_row = row_count;
 if (start_row > row_count) start_row = row_count;
 if (end_row > row_count) end_row = row_count;

 if (start_row > end_row) start_row = end_row;

# Copy sub range
 row_index = 0;
 delete mxRange[];

 for (i=start_row;i<=end_row;i++) {
  for (j=1;j<=col_count;j++) {
   mxRange[row_index, j] = mxTable[i,j];

 mxRange[0, "sys", "colCount"] = col_count;   
 mxRange[0, "sys", "rowCount"] = row_index;   

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This work by Albert Gareev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.