
Had a blast at CAST!

Posted by Albert Gareev on Oct 06, 2015 | Categories: Community


Achievements unlocked! :)

1st time at the conference in North America
1st time at software testing conference
1st time at CAST
1st time a speaker in English
1st time conducted Workshop
1st time gave Lightning Talk
1st time was captured for (multiple) Youtube videos
1st time met in person work partner with 5 years of history working together (Hey, MKLTESTHEAD! :))
1st time all-family trip on wheels
1st time went to the USA
1st time in Grand Rapids
1st time drove 600km one way
1st time was pursued by the Police
1st time got a speeding ticket in Canada :)

I so had a blast at the conference! It’s awesome when your first experiences with something new are so good. The Association for Software Testing and CAST 2015 organizers deserve the highest praise for organizing this 3 days conference. It’s not easy as one may think. And all AST staff have their day jobs, too – again, they’ve done magic!

The people and conferring is what at the core of a great conference. This was an unimaginable gathering of so many passionate testing professionals I’ve ever seen!

The conferring was going non-stop and in so many ways. Hall way talks were augmented with Twitter postings, talks were simultaneously translated online, and questions from Twitter were answered live.

I think I’ve managed to get the most out of the conference (with a bonus) and I’m proud to have my contribution provided.

As it coincides with me now being in between of contracts – got time! – I’m planning to publish a few follow up posts on the events I attended – the list is below.

Moving Testing Forward

Type: Keynote

Speaker: Karen Johnson

(Running) Context Driven Testing Meetup In Your City

Type: Lightning Talk

Speaker: Albert Gareev

The Context Driven Tester in The Lean Startup

Type: Presentation and Talk

Speaker: Thomas Vaniotis

The Future Of Testing Is Here

Type: Keynote

Speaker: Ajay Balamurugadas

Experiences From Asking Outsource Partners To Shift To Context Driven Testing

Type: Presentation and Talk

Speakers: Phil McNeely, Carl Shaulis

Black Box Accessibility Testing: A Heuristic Approach

Type: Presentation and Workshop

Speaker/Trainer: Albert Gareev

Exploratory Testing In The Cloud Foundry

Type: Presentation and Talk

Speaker: Jesse Alford

Lean Coffee

Type: Session

Facilitator: Matthew Heusser

Participants: Perze Ababa, Carol Brands, James Fogarty, Albert Gareev, Dwayne Green, Matt Heusser, Allen Johnson, Michael Larsen, Jeff MacBane, Justin Rohrman, Carl Shaulis

From Velcro to Velocity: A Hands On Tactile TDD Workshop

Type: Presentation and Workshop

Speaker/Trainer: Robert Sabourin

Testing Games – Avalon

Type: Table game

Participants: Josh Meier, Gary Miller, Dwayne Green, Michael Corum, Kevin Mancusi, Albert Gareev

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
This work by Albert Gareev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.