TestComplete – FindChildSync
Parent page: GUI Recognition with TestComplete
TestComplete provides a whole set of run-time GUI recognition functionalities, based, however, on the same approach: recognition by property values and/or location of the object in internal hierarchy. In addition to methods that immediately return a child object, if it’s available, there are others, that help finding objects that only about to appear – and this way you can create parameterized and flexible synchronization points.
Today’s post is an example of using custom recognition / synchronization function
Let’s start with the example. If you want to execute the code, make sure you also copied custom function FindChildSync provided in the second section.
Dim boolRC Dim IEProcess, IExplore Dim PropNames, PropValues Dim Page1, Page2 Dim objLink 'Close browser PropNames = Array("processname", "index") PropValues = Array("iexplore", 1) Set IEProcess = Sys.FindChild(PropNames, PropValues, 1, True) If IEProcess.Exists then IEProcess.Close(10000) End if 'Open browser and navigate to the web-site Set IExplore = TestedApps.iexplore IExplore.Params.SimpleParams.CommandLineParameters = "http://www.google.ca/" Call IExplore.Run(1, False, 5000) 'Find First Web Page Object PropNames = Array("objecttype", "url") PropValues = Array("page", <a href="http://www.google.ca/">http://www.google.ca/</a>) Set Page1 = Sys.Process("iexplore").FindChild(PropNames, PropValues, 1, True) If Not Page1.Exists then Exit Sub End if 'Find Second Web Page Object PropNames = Array("objecttype", "url") PropValues = Array("page", "http://www.google.ca/advanced_search?hl=en") Set Page2 = Sys.Process("iexplore").FindChild(PropNames, PropValues, 1, True) boolRC = Page2.Exists 'Returns False 'Find Web Link Object PropNames = Array("tagName", "namePropStr") PropValues = Array("A", "advanced_search*") Set objLink = Page1.FindChild(PropNames, PropValues, 10, True) If Not objLink.Exists then Exit Sub End if objLink.Click boolRC = Page2.Exists 'Returns False 'Find Web Page by specific object name PropNames = Array("objecttype", "url") PropValues = Array("page", "http://www.google.ca/advanced_search?hl=en") Set Page2 = FindChildSync(Sys.Process("iexplore"), PropNames, PropValues, 1, 10) boolRC = Page2.Exists 'Returns true
At the very end, line #50 (I highlighted it for you), you can see call to a custom function. Unlike WaitChild built-in method in TestComplete, it uses description properties to identify an object.
Below you can find description and source code of the function.
Validate and initialize passed in parameters. – Start timer. – Begin identification loop.
Use FindChild standard method to attempt locating child GUI element. Repeat attempts until object is found or timeout is reached.
Returns GUI object’s reference or Nothing – if search wasn’t successful.
Public Function FindChildSync(ByRef objGUIParent, ByRef PropNames, ByRef PropValues, ByVal intDepth, ByVal intSyncMax) Dim intStopWatch Dim objGUIElement 'Init If objGUIParent is Nothing Then Set FindChildSync = Nothing Exit Function End If If Not objGUIParent.Exists Then Set FindChildSync = Nothing Exit Function End If If (Not isArray(PropNames)) OR (Not isArray(PropValues)) Then Set FindChildSync = Nothing Exit Function End If If Not isNumeric(intDepth) Then intDepth = 0 If intDepth < 0 Then intDepth = 0 'Set timer If intSyncMax < 0 Then intSyncMax = 0 intStopWatch = Time() 'Loop until child object appeared or timeout reached Do While True On Error Resume Next Set objGUIElement = objGUIParent.FindChild(PropNames, PropValues, intDepth, True) On Error GoTo 0 If objGUIElement.Exists Then 'Object's found Exit Do Else 'Keep trying End If 'Exit by timeout If DateDiff("s", intStopWatch, Time()) > intSyncMax Then Set FindChildSync = Nothing Exit Function End If Loop Set FindChildSync = objGUIElement End Function