GP/QTP Automation: Highlight controls in Dexterity Window
SanScript, Visual Basic, and VBScript functions implementing the “Highlight in Application” feature as in QTP Object Repository Manager.
All related posts: Reference Page – GP/QTP Automation
VBA/SanScript function – put in your Excel VBA macro file
Note. Ignores sanScript errors
Public Function HighlightControl() Dim intRC As Integer Dim intCount, Iter As Integer Dim sCode, sErrMsg As String Dim sControlName As String sControlName = Workbooks.Item(1).Sheets.Item(1).Cells(2, 1) Call GPApp.Activate 'Show/Hide intCount = 3 For Iter = 1 To intCount sCode = "hide field " & sControlName & ";" intRC = GPApp.ExecuteSanScript(sCode, sErrMsg) Sleep 300 sCode = "show field " & sControlName & ";" intRC = GPApp.ExecuteSanScript(sCode, sErrMsg) Sleep 300 Next End Function
VBScript function – put as Dexterity Interface Class method
Note. If you use it as an embedded function don’t forget to call COM initialization procedures first.
Public Function HighlightControl(ByVal sName) Dim boolRC, intRC Dim objUsedRange' Set objUsedRange = XLBook.Worksheets(1).UsedRange() objUsedRange.Cells(2,1) = " " & sName 'space char is apostrophe workaround XLHandle.Run("HighlightControl") End Function
A function to highlight all window controls one by one
Uses XML structure created by GUI Capture script
Uses Service Functions – XML (QTP, VBScript)
Public Function GP_HighlightContext(ByRef objXMLContext) Dim objColl, objColl2, objControl, objXMLDesc Dim objProperty, sName, sDexParent, sDexName, sFullName Dim Iter, Jter If (objXMLContext is Nothing) Then Exit Function End If sDexParent = ChildAttributeValueByName(objXMLContext, "dexhost") Set objColl = objXMLContext.ChildElementsByPath("./Object") For Iter = 1 To objColl.Count Set objControl = objColl.Item(Iter) Set objXMLDesc = ChildElementByName(objControl, "desc") Set objColl2 = objXMLDesc.ChildElementsByPath("./property") For Jter = 1 To objColl2.Count Set objProperty = objColl2.Item(Jter) sName = ChildAttributeValueByName(objProperty, "name") If LCase(sName) = "dexname" Then sDexName = ChildAttributeValueByName(objProperty, "value") sFullName = "'" & sDexName & "' of " & sDexParent GPHandle.HighlightControl(sFullName) Exit For End If Next Next End Function