
Microsoft COM/OLE Viewer

Posted by Albert Gareev on Sep 03, 2009 | Categories: LinksTools

Is looking at the back-end useful for black-box functional testing?

Do you want to explore all properties and methods of COM object you use in your Automation?

Do you want to know (and, also, be able to modify) all COM libraries installed on your system?

– If yes, you will probably want to use (or you’re already using) Microsoft OLE/COM Object Viewer

Area of use OLE/COM Object Library external management
Platform (OS) Windows
Vendor Microsoft
Price Free
Usability (1-5, 5 – Best) 4.5 (requires additional DLL to view typelibs)

It is especially useful if COM objects you have to work with do not have detailed support documentation published.

Refer to GP/QTP Automation: Dynamics Continuum Integration Library blog post if you need step by step examples.

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This work by Albert Gareev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.