
Front-End Test Automation Practices – Keyword-Driven Framework

Posted by Albert Gareev on Jun 02, 2009 | Categories: Practices

Original date: 19 Mar 2009, 1:30pm

Front-End Test Automation Practices – Keyword-Driven Framework

1. Description
• Framework and keywords creation – programmatically
• Tests creation – table editor (common practice – MS Excel)
• Parameterized, capable to import spreadsheets
• GUI/Database checkpoints, hard-coded and/or parameterized
• Framework-based structure
• Limited error handling
• Keyword-based flow (logic and data in a spreadsheet)
• Possibly extended reporting
• Verification is limited to Testing Tool’s capabilities
• No validation

2. Advantages
• Good usability and re-usability
• Compact code
• Test development doesn’t require programming skills
• Good test flow coverage
• Multi-environment support
• Data and code are separate
• Reproducible test results

3. Disadvantages
• Requires initial investment for design and implementation of the Framework
• Due to keywords limit doesn’t allow covering very complicated Test Cases
• Meta-language specific training is required for staff
• Version control issues
• Exit on fail
• Manual validation is required

4. Applicability
• Good fit for a multi-application testing (same platform), featuring multi-environment, big datasets, and a big number of short and straight Test Cases
• Test Plan / Test Scenario execution (Batch run)
• Limited set of checkpoints, as any Database / Data Input change breaks verification and requires recapture
• Better support of distributed teams, especially with extended reporting implemented
• Multi-tool support for the meta-language
• Mid- and long-term automation goals

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
This work by Albert Gareev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.