
QTP Math functions – Convert Set to Typed Array

Posted by Albert Gareev on Mar 20, 2008 | Categories: MathSource code

Parent page: Service Functions – Math (QTP, VBScript)

Convert set to typed array

Public Function Set2TypedArray(ByVal stSet, ByVal sSetSeparator, ByVal sFormat)
  Dim Iter, dvArray
  If sSetSeparator = "" Then
    sSetSeparator = chrSetSeparator
  End If

 stSet = Replace(stSet, "\,", Chr(176))
 stSet = Replace(stSet, "\ ", Chr(187))

  dvArray = Split(stSet, sSetSeparator)
  For Iter=0 To UBound(dvArray)
    Select Case UCase(sFormat)
      Case "NUMBER"
        dvArray(Iter) = DblVal(Replace(Replace(Trim(dvArray(Iter)), Chr(176), ""), Chr(187), ""))
      Case "DATE"
        dvArray(Iter) = DateVal(Replace(Replace(Trim(dvArray(Iter)), Chr(176), ""), Chr(187), ""))
      Case "STRING"
        dvArray(Iter) = CStr(Replace(Replace(Trim(dvArray(Iter)), Chr(176), ","), Chr(187), " "))
      Case Else
        dvArray(Iter) = Replace(Replace(Trim(dvArray(Iter)), Chr(176), ","), Chr(187), " ")
    End Select
  Set2TypedArray = dvArray
End Function

Unit Tests

  dvArray = Set2TypedArray("1.0,-2, 3 5", ",", "Number")
  If dvArray(0) <> 1 Then
    Log.Error("Set2TypedArray failed")
  End If
  If dvArray(2) <> 0 Then
    Log.Error("Set2TypedArray failed")
  End If
  dvArray = Set2TypedArray("1.0,-2, 3 5", ",", "String")
  If dvArray(0) <> "1.0" Then
    Log.Error("Set2TypedArray failed")
  End If
  If dvArray(2) <> "3 5" Then
    Log.Error("Set2TypedArray failed")
  End If
  dvArray = Set2TypedArray("1.0,-2\,, \ 3 5", ",", "String")
  If dvArray(0) <> "1.0" Then
    Log.Error("Set2TypedArray failed")
  End If
  If dvArray(2) <> " 3 5" Then
    Log.Error("Set2TypedArray failed")
  End If
  dvArray = Set2TypedArray("1.0,-2\,, \ 3 5", ",", "Number")
  If dvArray(0) <> 1 Then
    Log.Error("Set2TypedArray failed")
  End If
  If dvArray(1) <> -2 Then
    Log.Error("Set2TypedArray failed")
  End If
  dvArray = Set2TypedArray("1.0,-2\,a, \ 3 5 , abc, 12/10/2001", ",", "")
  If dvArray(1) <> "-2,a" Then
    Log.Error("Set2TypedArray failed")
  End If

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This work by Albert Gareev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.