
QTP Math functions – TypedArraySort

Posted by Albert Gareev on Jan 14, 2008 | Categories: MathSource code

Parent page: Service Functions – Math (QTP, VBScript)


Sorts one-dimentional array in ascending / descending order with typecasting. 


Public Function TypedArraySort(ByRef dvArray, ByVal sFormat, ByVal boolAscending)
  Dim Iter, Jter, aValue, boolRC
  If Not isArray(dvArray) Then
    dvArray = Array(dvArray)
    ArraySort = dvArray
  End If

  sFormat = UCase(sFormat)
  For Iter = 0 To UBound(dvArray)
    Select Case sFormat
      Case "NUMBER"
        dvArray(Iter)= DblVal(dvArray(Iter))
      Case "DATE"
        dvArray(Iter)= DateVal(dvArray(Iter))
      Case "STRING"
        dvArray(Iter)= CStr(dvArray(Iter))
      Case Else
        dvArray(Iter)= DblVal(dvArray(Iter))
        sFormat = "NUMBER"
    End Select
 For Jter = 0 To UBound(dvArray)
  For Iter = 0 To UBound(dvArray)-1
   aValue = dvArray(Iter)
      Select Case sFormat
        Case "NUMBER"
          boolRC = aValue > dvArray(Iter+1)
        Case "DATE"
          boolRC = DateDiff("s", aValue, dvArray(Iter+1)) < 0
        Case "STRING"
          boolRC = StrComp(aValue, dvArray(Iter+1)) = 1
      End Select

   If boolRC Then
    If boolAscending Then
     dvArray(Iter) = dvArray(Iter+1)
     dvArray(Iter+1) = aValue
     'do nothing
    End If
    If boolAscending Then
     'do nothing
     dvArray(Iter) = dvArray(Iter+1)
     dvArray(Iter+1) = aValue
    End If
   End If

 TypedArraySort = dvArray
End Function

Unit Tests

   dvArray = Array(2,3,5,1,9,-1)
  Call TypedArraySort(dvArray, "Number", False)
  If dvArray(5) <> -1 Then
    Log.Error("TypedArraySort failed")
  End If
  If dvArray(0) <> 9 Then
    Log.Error("TypedArraySort failed")
  End If
  If dvArray(3) <> 2 Then
    Log.Error("TypedArraySort failed")
  End If

  dvArray = Array(2,"3.0",5,"1.00",9,-1, "a")
  Call TypedArraySort(dvArray, "Number", True)
  If dvArray(6) <> 9 Then
    Log.Error("TypedArraySort failed")
  End If
  If dvArray(0) <> -1 Then
    Log.Error("TypedArraySort failed")
  End If
  If dvArray(3) <> 2 Then
    Log.Error("TypedArraySort failed")
  End If
  dvArray = Array(2,"3.0",5,"1.00",9,-1, "a", "-10")
  Call TypedArraySort(dvArray, "String", True)
  If dvArray(7) <> "a" Then
    Log.Error("TypedArraySort failed")
  End If
  If dvArray(6) <> "9" Then
    Log.Error("TypedArraySort failed")
  End If
  If dvArray(0) <> "-1" Then
    Log.Error("TypedArraySort failed")
  End If
  If dvArray(3) <> "2" Then
    Log.Error("TypedArraySort failed")
  End If
  dvArray = Array("20/06/1900","01/01/01","31/12/2050","20/20/20")
  Call TypedArraySort(dvArray, "Date", False)
  If dvArray(0) <> CDate("31/12/2050") Then
    Log.Error("TypedArraySort failed")
  End If

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
This work by Albert Gareev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.