
Custom lists: Select Multi / Select All with WinRunner

Posted by Albert Gareev on Dec 23, 2007 | Categories: How to

How to select multiple items in custom list


Select each item with “Control” key (Ctrl on keyboard).

public function _list_select_multy(in list, in items) {
 auto rc, count, i, k;
 auto dvItem[];
 count = split(items, dvItem, ",");
 if (count < 1) {
 rc = list_select_item(list, str_trim(dvItem[1]));
 if (rc != E_OK) {

 if (count == 1)

 for (i=2;i<=count;i++) {
  rc = list_select_item(list, str_trim(dvItem[i]));
  if (rc != E_OK) {


How to select all items  in custom list


Select first and then select last item with “Shift” key (Shift on keyboard).

public function _list_select_all(in list) {
 auto rc, items_count;
 rc = list_select_item(list, "#0");
 if (rc != E_OK) {

 list_get_info(list, "count", items_count);

 rc = list_select_item(list, "#"&items_count);
 if (rc != E_OK) {


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This work by Albert Gareev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.