
FilterChildElementsByAttrRegEx (QTP, TestComplete, XML, VBScript)

Posted by Albert Gareev on May 15, 2014 | Categories: Source codeXML Data

Parent page: Service Functions – MSXMLDOM (QTP, TestComplete, VBScript)


Filters parent XML object by removing child XML nodes not matching specified attribute regex value.


'Removes non-matching nodes
Public Function FilterChildElementsByAttrRegEx(ByRef objXMLParent, ByVal sTagName, ByVal sAttrName, ByVal sAttrRegex, ByVal objParameter)
	Dim objColl, objNode, objRNode
  Dim Iter, sValue
  Dim boolMatchCase, boolRC

	If objXMLParent is Nothing Then
		Set FilterChildElementsByAttrRegEx = Nothing
		Exit Function
	End If

	If TypeName(objParameter) <>  "Dictionary" Then
		Set objParameter = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
	End If
  boolMatchCase = InitBool(Trim(objParameter.Item("p.matchcase")), False)
  If Not boolMatchCase Then
    sAttrRegex = LCase(sAttrRegex)
  End If

	Set objColl = objXMLParent.SelectNodes("./"&sTagName)
  For Iter = 0 To objColl.Length-1

		Set objNode = objColl.Item(Iter)
		Call GetXMLElementProperty(objNode, "#ATTR:" & sAttrName, -1, sValue)
    If boolMatchCase Then
      boolRC = Regex_Test(sValue, sAttrRegex)
      boolRC = Regex_Test(LCase(sValue), sAttrRegex)
    End If
    If boolRC Then
      'keep it
      Set objRNode = objXMLParent.RemoveChild(objNode)
      Set objRNode = Nothing
    End If


  Set FilterChildElementsByAttrRegEx = objXMLParent

End Function

Unit Tests

'Unit tests use other functions from the parent library
'Reporting example is done in TestComplete syntax
  Set objXMLNode = SetChildElementByAttr(objXMLParent, "step", "alpha", "System Step 1")
  Set objXMLNode = SetChildElementByAttr(objXMLParent, "step", "betta", "System Step 2")
  Set objXMLNode = SetChildElementByAttr(objXMLParent, "step", "gamma", "System Step 3")
  Set objXMLParent1 = CopyChildElements(objXMLParent, Nothing)

  Call FilterChildElementsByAttrRegEx(objXMLParent1, "step", "name", ".*a.*a", Nothing)
  Set objXMLNode = objXMLParent1.SelectNodes("./step").item(0)
  boolRC = GetXMLElementProperty(objXMLNode, "#text", -1, sValue)
  boolRC = boolRC AND (sValue = "System Step 1")
  If Not boolRC Then
    Log.Error "FilterChildElementsByAttrRegEx failed"
  End If
  Set objXMLNode = objXMLParent1.SelectNodes("./step").item(1)
  boolRC = GetXMLElementProperty(objXMLNode, "#text", -1, sValue)
  boolRC = boolRC AND (sValue = "System Step 3")
  If Not boolRC Then
    Log.Error "FilterChildElementsByAttrRegEx failed"
  End If

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
This work by Albert Gareev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.