1-N Comparison: isValueInSet
Reference Page: Comparison Rules
Automatic Comparison Rules
Relationship: One-to-Many / Rule: Is Value In Set
Supported data types: String, Number, Date
Supported data structures: Scalar, Vector
Comparison of values of different data types always returns False.
Comparison of values of unsupported data types always returns False.
Scalar data structure is presented by any single value.
Vector data structure is presented by a set (un-ordered array) of values of the same type. Externally, Set is defined as a comma-separated sequence (might be encoded in string). Internally, Set is transformed into an array to optimize performance.
The value is in set if is equal (matching for strings comparison) to at least one member of a set.
Example: 5 is in a set {2,10, 5, -1, 20}; 6 is NOT in the same set. See more examples in Test Code section.
Data type: String
Strings are compared based on total length and encoding of each character.
Two strings are considered equal if they have equal length (same number of characters) AND all characters, compared one by one, were equal.
Data type: Number
Numeric values are considered equal if there is no difference (near-zero-difference) between them (matters for floating point numbers with precision loss).
Data type: Date
Date/time values are compared per component values: Year, Month, Day, Hour, Second. Two dates are considered equal if there is zero seconds difference between them.
Used resources:
1. Service Functions – Math (QTP, VBScript)
2. Service Functions – String (QTP, VBScript)
Public Function isValueInSet(ByVal sActualValue, ByVal stSet, ByVal sFormat, ByVal sRule, ByVal boolNegativeRule) Dim dvArray, Iter Dim boolRC, boolResult 'Note. The format MUST BE checked separately to distinguish this kind of fails dvArray = Set2Array(stSet, CMP_Var_DefaultSetSeparator) boolRC = isSameFormat1N(sActualValue, dvArray, sFormat) If Not boolRC Then isValueInSet = False Exit Function End If dvArray = Set2TypedArray(stSet, CMP_Var_DefaultSetSeparator, sFormat) boolResult = False For Iter=0 to Ubound(dvArray) Select Case UCase(sRule) Case "EQUAL" boolRC = isValueEqual(sActualValue, dvArray(Iter), sFormat) Case "MATCHIN" boolRC = Regex_Test(dvArray(Iter), sActualValue) Case "MATCHFOR" boolRC = Regex_Test(sActualValue, dvArray(Iter)) Case Else isValueInSet = False Exit Function End Select boolResult = boolResult OR boolRC If boolResult Then If boolNegativeRule Then isValueInSet = False Else isValueInSet = True End If Exit Function End If Next If boolNegativeRule Then isValueInSet = Not boolResult Else isValueInSet = boolResult End If End Function
Test Code
Log.Message("1-N Comparison: isValueInSet") boolRC = isValueInSet(15, "10, 15, 20, 30, 45", "Number", "Equal", False) If Not boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueInSet failed") End If boolRC = isValueInSet(15, "10, 20, 30, 45", "Number", "Equal", False) If boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueInSet failed") End If boolRC = isValueInSet(15, "10, 20, 30, 45", "Number", "Equal", True) If Not boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueInSet failed") End If boolRC = isValueInSet("May", "January, March, May, July, September", "String", "Equal", False) If Not boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueInSet failed") End If boolRC = isValueInSet("May", "January, March, May, July, September", "String", "Equal", True) If boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueInSet failed") End If boolRC = isValueInSet("....y", "January, March, May, July, September", "String", "MatchIn", False) If Not boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueInSet failed") End If boolRC = isValueInSet("....y", "March, May, July, September", "String", "MatchIn", False) If boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueInSet failed") End If boolRC = isValueInSet("Mar.*", "January, March, May, July, September", "String", "MatchIn", False) If Not boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueInSet failed") End If boolRC = isValueInSet("Ma.*y", "January, March, May, July, September", "String", "MatchIn", False) If Not boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueInSet failed") End If boolRC = isValueInSet("Ma..*y", "January, March, May, July, September", "String", "MatchIn", False) If boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueInSet failed") End If boolRC = isValueInSet("CAD", "USD, AUD, CAD, GBP, JPY", "String", "MatchFor", False) If Not boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueInSet failed") End If boolRC = isValueInSet("10/01/2000", "5/01/2000, 10/01/2000, 15/01/2000, 20/01/2000, 25/01/2000", "Date", "Equal", False) If Not boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueInSet failed") End If boolRC = isValueInSet("10/01/2000", "5/01/2000, 10/01/2000, 15/01/2000, 20/01/2000, 25/01/2000", "Date", "Equal", True) If boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueInSet failed") End If boolRC = isValueInSet("16/01/2000", "5/01/2000, 10/01/2000, 15/01/2000, 20/01/2000, 25/01/2000", "Date", "Equal", False) If boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueInSet failed") End If