1-1 Comparison: isValueLess
Reference Page: Comparison Rules
Automatic Comparison Rules
Relationship: One-to-One / Rule: Is Value Less
Supported data types: String, Number, Date
Comparison of values of different data types always returns False.
Comparison of values of unsupported data types always returns False.
Data type: String
Strings are compared based on total length and encoding of each character.
A string of shorter length is always considered lesser. (Updated 2010/07/20, see comments section)
Comparison of two strings is performed character by character up to the first character that differs. The string with the lesser character in that position is considered lesser.
Data type: Number
A lesser value is considered lesser than a bigger one. All negative numbers are less than zero and all positive numbers. Thus, -1 is less than 100; -100 is less than -1.
The floating-point value NaN
(not a number) is greater than any other numeric value and is equal to itself.
Data type: Date
Date/time values are compared per component values: Year, Month, Day, Hour, Second.
A later date is considered greater than an earlier one. A date with a greater month but lesser year is considered less, and so forth.
Public Function isValueLess(ByVal sActualValue, ByVal sExpectedValue, ByVal sFormat) If Not isSameFormat(sActualValue, sExpectedValue, sFormat) Then isValueLess = False Exit Function End If Select Case UCase(sFormat) Case "NUMBER" If CDbl(sActualValue) < CDbl(sExpectedValue) Then isValueLess = True Else isValueLess = False End If Case "DATE" If DateDiff("s", CDate(sActualValue), CDate(sExpectedValue)) > 0 Then isValueLess = True Else isValueLess = False End If Case "STRING" If StrComp(sActualValue, sExpectedValue, vbBinaryCompare) = -1 Then isValueLess = True Else isValueLess = False End If Case Else isValueLess = False End Select End Function
Test Code
Log.Message("1-1 Comparison: isValueLess") boolRC = isValueLess("aaaazzzz", "zzzzaaaa", "String") If Not boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueLess failed") End If boolRC = isValueLess("ab", "abc", "String") If Not boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueLess failed") End If boolRC = isValueLess("ab ", "abc", "String") If Not boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueLess failed") End If boolRC = isValueLess(0, 1, "Number") If Not boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueLess failed") End If boolRC = isValueLess(0, dblNearlyZero, "Number") If Not boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueLess failed") End If boolRC = isValueLess(-1, 0, "Number") If Not boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueLess failed") End If boolRC = isValueLess(-10, -1, "Number") If Not boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueLess failed") End If sValue1 = CDate("01/01/01") sValue2 = CDate("1/1/2002") boolRC = isValueLess(sValue1, sValue2, "DATE") If Not boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueLess failed") End If sValue1 = CDate("31/12/2050") sValue2 = CDate("1/1/2050") boolRC = isValueLess(sValue1, sValue2, "DATE") If boolRC Then Log.Error("isValueLess failed") End If