Generic GUI object
"lost_obj" = "Failed to find object ",
"found_obj" = "Object is located ",
"err_obj" = "Error occurred while working with object ",
"dis_obj" = "Object is disabled ",
"hidn_obj" = "Object is not displayed ",
"pass_obj_chk" = "Object verification passed ",
"fail_obj_chk" = "Object verification failed ",
"format_obj" = "GUI Object is < %s >",
Desktop / Web Window
"lost_win" = "Failed to find window ",
"found_win" = "Window is located ",
"err_win" = "Error occurred while working with window ",
"dis_win" = "Window is disabled ",
"fail_nav_win" = "Failed navigation to window ",
"pass_nav_win" = "Navigation successful to window ",
Desktop / Web Table
"lost_tbl" = "Failed to find table ",
"found_tbl" = "Table is located ",
"err_tbl" = "Error occurred while working with table ",
"got_tbl" = "Data extraction successful from table ",
"put_tbl" = "Data input successful to table ",
"get_cell_tbl" = "Getting cell value ",
"got_cell_tbl" = "Extracted cell value ",
"set_cell_tbl" = "Setting cell value ",
"lost_cell_tbl" = "Failed to find cell ",
Desktop / Web Button
"lost_btn" = "Failed to find button ",
"found_btn" = "Button is located ",
"dis_btn" = "Button is disabled ",
"fail_btn_press" = "Failed to press button ",
"pass_btn_press" = "Pressed button ",
"fail_btn_chk" = "Failed to verify button ",
"pass_btn_chk" = "Verified button property ",
Web GUI hyperlink
"lost_lnk" = "Failed to find the link ",
"found_lnk" = "Link is located ",
"fail_lnk_click" = "Failed to click on the link ",
"pass_lnk_click" = "Clicked on the link ",
Check box / Radio button
"lost_cbr" = "Failed to find check/radio box ",
"found_cbr" = "Check/radio box is located ",
"dis_cbr" = "Check/radio box is disabled ",
"set_cbr" = "Setting check/radio box ",
"fail_cbr_set" = "Failed to set check/radio box ",
"pass_cbr_set" = "Set state for check/radio box ",
Desktop / Web Edit Box (Input Box)
"lost_edt" = "Failed to find input box ",
"found_edt" = "Input box is located ",
"dis_edt" = "Input box is disabled ",
"set_edt" = "Setting input box ",
"fail_edt_set" = "Failed to set input box ",
"fail_edt_chk" = "Failed to verify input box ",
"pass_edt_set" = "Set value for the input box ",
"pass_edt_chk" = "Verified the input box value ",
Desktop / Web List Box / Combo Box
"lost_lst" = "Failed to find list ",
"found_lst" = "List is located ",
"dis_lst" = "List is disabled ",
"set_lst" = "Setting list ",
"fail_lst_set" = "Failed to select item in the list ",
"pass_lst_set" = "Selected item in the list ",
Desktop Dropdown Menu
"pass_menu_set" = "Selected item in menu ",
"fail_menu_set" = "Failed to select item in menu ",